September, 2011

September 13, 2011

The September 2011 Board Meeting of the Northwest Choral Society was held at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 1095 Dempster/Thacker, Des Plaines, IL.  The meeting was called to order at 6:42 PM by NWCS board president Penny Perles.  The following board members were present:

        Jonna Guendling        Candy Mealer    
Geoffrey Green            Penny Perles
Noreen LaValle            Diane Szuberla    
Mary Jane Matecki        Ruta Veitmanis    
Also present: Alan Wellman, Artistic Director

Penny Perles announced that 2 chorus members will not be returning this fall: Lily Abellera Rudnick, who has started a new job, and David Brown, whose job in the Chicago area is completed and who has returned to his home in Ohio.  Also, potential new member Jill Morgenthaler will not be starting.  She is a colonel in the military and may be deployed to Afghanistan again.

The meeting minutes of the August 9, 2011 board meeting were reviewed.  No corrections were needed.  Noreen LaValle made a motion to accept the minutes.  The motion was seconded by Mary Jane Matecki.  The motion passed.

Noreen LaValle presented the treasurer’s report for August.  Cash disbursements totaled $872.29. There were no cash receipts.   Our regular account balance is $12,418.83.  Including the J. Melcher Memorial Fund and petty cash, our final total is $15,510.83.  Candy Mealer made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report.  The motion was seconded by Mary Jane Matecki.  The motion passed.

Candy Mealer will send out thank you notes to the Early Bird subscribers who also sent in a donation.

Geoffrey Green has updated our website regarding future concerts, ticket prices and PayPal information.  The WATCH & LISTEN page will not be updated until he has a chance to confer with Alan Wellman.  Geoff will also print 1000 season postcards, 75 posters and 500 concert tickets.

This year Noreen LaValle will not prepare advertisement packets for all chorus members, only the new members.  She will have all the necessary forms and letters at the rehearsals and former members can pick up the ones they need.

Mary Jane Matecki stated that the Yankee Candle fundraiser will begin right after the Ad campaign ends.  The candles will be delivered before Thanksgiving Day.  Loryn Ankeny will be responsible for this campaign.
The cookie dough fundraiser will be in the spring, but a month earlier than usual.

Penny thanked Chris Stukel and David Martin for the great Meet & Greet party they organized.

The piano has been tuned.
Alan will work out a plan so that all chorus members can participate in revising our Mission and Vision statements.

We have been invited to participate in the annual Des Plaines fair this weekend.  We would have to pay for the booth and electricity.  There is not enough time to organize anything this year, but Candy Mealer volunteered to work on this for possible participation next year.  This is part of the duty of an Advocate: to go out into the community to publicize our organization.  
David Lee is working on the video of our June concerts.
Alan encouraged our group to participate in the World Choir Games in Cincinnati, Ohio, next July.  The board members would like to see how many chorus members would be willing to commit to this before making a decision.  A minimum of 25 singers is needed to participate.  Alan will present this idea to the membership.

Our next Board Meeting will be October 11th, 6:30 PM, before rehearsal at St. Martin’s.  A request was made to change the dates of the meetings since they always occur on the evening of the soprano sectionals, thus makes it an extra long evening for them.
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 7:33 PM by a motion from Noreen LaValle and a second from Mary Jane Matecki.  The motion passed.

Ruta Veitmanis
Recording Secretary
Northwest Choral Society